Erä-Susi Hus­kies sled dog ken­nel was for­med in Ruka-Kuusa­mo in 1998. It’s loca­ted just off the bor­der of Lapland in Nort­hern Fin­land. Erä-Susi has grown from a small pack of hus­kies into a res­pon­sible sled dog ken­nel with 150 Alas­kan and Sibe­rian huskies.

We aim to pro­vi­de you the chance to expe­rience the magic of win­ter in Nort­hern Fin­land in a tra­di­tio­nal way that gives you the chance for both, a rug­ged wild­li­fe expe­rience and a fur­ry cudd­le afterwards.

The farm was purc­ha­sed by the cur­rent owners Mer­vi Ran­ta­mä­ki & Juk­ka Kei­nä­nen in 2017. Since then we have made seve­ral major impro­ve­ments in the ken­nel – with a focus on dog wel­fa­re and sus­tai­nable tourism. 

Mer­vi has a life-long expe­rience with trai­ning and bree­ding a varie­ty of dogs and focuses on the cus­to­mer ser­vice and dog wel­fa­re side. Meanw­hi­le, Juk­ka has seve­ral years of expe­rience in agricul­tu­re and res­tau­rant work and focuses on the behind the sce­nes ope­ra­tions. He takes care of sled tracks, mac­hi­ne­ry repairs and that we have all the neces­sa­ry tools to work in the ken­nel. Juk­ka is also a res­tau­rant chef so he is res­pon­sible for our cafe.

Erä-Susi offers a good place to work for seve­ral gui­des and trai­nees throug­hout the year. Taking care of 150 hus­kies is a 24/7 job, and toget­her with our team we make sure that all of our cus­to­mers have the best expe­rience pos­sible, whi­le also making sure that our hus­ky heroes get the love and care they deserve. 




Mar­tijn from Hol­land works for us as a safa­ri gui­de and he has been wor­king at Erä-Sude since 2016. Mar­tijn “Sauk­ko” likes to enter­tain cus­to­mers and especial­ly with children he will find imme­dia­te­ly a com­mon tone. He also takes a real­ly good care of our hus­kies during the year. 

Sauk­ko have his own Sibe­rian hus­ky named Chap and they go hiking toget­her a lot. He would like to have to set up his own litt­le ken­nel and take more huskies.



Joan­na came to work for us in Novem­ber 2018 from Helsinki.

She takes care of all our ani­mals health  with a conscien­tious, calm, deter­mi­ned and posi­ti­ve atti­tu­de and ani­mal wel­fa­re is the most impor­tant to her.

She is also res­pon­sible of our new wor­kers and amazing trai­nees, boo­king sys­tem as well as the main­te­nance of mar­ke­ting, home page and our social media. 


Erä-Susi Hus­kies

Ruka­jär­ven­tie 30



+358 40 570 0279
