If you love hus­kies and hiking, this might be great acti­vi­ty for you. This expe­rience will bring you to natu­re of Kuusa­mo and toget­her with your hus­ky you will expe­rience the amazing views.

Welco­me to meet our love­ly Alas­kan- and Sibe­rian hus­kies. When you arri­ved to our ken­nel, our pro­fes­sio­nal gui­de welco­mes you and after a small brief, you get to explo­re the dai­ly life of the­se mag­ni­ficent dogs, learn about their res­pon­sible care, and disco­ver what it tru­ly means to con­si­der them as a part of the fami­ly.  After ken­nel visit, your gui­de choo­se care­ful­ly sui­table hiking bud­dy to each par­tici­pant. Dog is attac­hed to a leash in a belt and it will help you hike by pul­ling. Our gui­de leads you through to the beau­ti­ful hiking tracks. 

We have two slight­ly dif­fe­rent hikes to choo­se from.  Mini­mum for this acti­vi­ty is 2 people. 

If you would like to book this acti­vi­ty for a lar­ger group you can con­tact us via email: husky@erasusi.com 

Pimun Pyrähdys

This is a short, easy hiking track and total dura­tion of the pro­gram is about 2 hours.

During this pro­gram, the­re is time to get inte­ract with the dogs and get to know their love­ly cha­rac­ters. Our dogs are very friend­ly and social, so you will get many new fur­ry friends! 

 Adult 75 €   Child 55 € (4–14yo)

Hike to Pyhäjärvi

This lon­ger hike goes near Pyhä­vaa­ra’s beau­ti­ful area and in the midd­le of the hike we will stop by the Pyhä­jär­vi lake to cool off with the dogs. Total dura­tion of the pro­gram is about 4 hours.

After the walk you will grill sausa­ges in our Kota and we ser­ve you cof­fee and cold juice.

Boo­kings and more info husky@erasusi.com


Erä-Susi Hus­kies

Ruka­jär­ven­tie 30



+358 40 570 0279
